By Cathy Milne-Ware · Originally published in Real Chamber of Commerce August 29, 2018

Jared Fisher is a cycling enthusiast, to put it mildly. He and his wife, Heather, are the proud owners of businesses built from their love of biking; Las Vegas Cyclery and its sister companies, Escape Adventures, Moab Cyclery, and RTC Bike Center.

Both the Fishers and their company celebrate their 27th anniversaries this year. They have come a long way since they quit their jobs while they were students at UNLV in order to start their new tour business. After graduating, their tour business continued to expand. Jared explains their love of adventure is their foundation, but they are also proud of their companies and ability to provide jobs for fellow Nevadans.

Biking is more than a business for Fisher. As a youth, he was a BMX rider and part of a trick riding team. His passion for adventure evolved into Escape Adventures Bike Tours. Starting their tours in Southern Nevada, the company expanded to provide tours in the Northwestern and Southwestern United States. They also offer international tours in Canada, South America, and into Europe.

The Fishers built the Las Vegas Cyclery Net Zero Leed Platinum Building next to the Retail Trails Shopping Center, which is a two-building facility. The occupants of the center include Peet’s Coffee, Power Hour 360, Block 9 Thai Street Eats, Sportif Chiropractic, Eye Gear Sports Optics, and Vegas Bike Fit. Surrounding the two buildings is a bike testing trail.

When Jared needs to unwind, he rides. His most recent trip took him across Utah and Nevada for a total of 550 miles. On the five-day journey he rode alone, gathered his thoughts, and enjoyed the majestic scenery of the land and sky.

When he was a Republican gubernatorial candidate for Nevada, his slogan was, “decisive, productive leadership for a #HealthyNevada.” He ended the primary election cycle much like he started his campaign, with a biking event.

Even though Jared did not win this election, Nevadans will likely see him in the political arena again in the future. He, like most business owners in Nevada, is concerned with the policies the state legislature has levied upon them. Being proactive is Fisher’s way of life.

As a Nevadan and a businessman his purpose is to have a fruitful life. He wants the same for his employees. These are two of the reasons he joined Real Chamber of Commerce. His goal is to continue to provide jobs in his industry and be a stellar example of entrepreneurship.