Will walk for food.

Christine Byrne
for Tasty

1. Popped Quinoa Trail Mix

Seriously satisfying amounts of crunch. Recipe here.

2. Prairie Paté

Oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and… pork cracklin’? Yep. Recipe here.

3. Black Pepper Jerky

I know you can buy the stuff everywhere, but making it yourself is easy, customizable, and, BONUS, fun to do with kids. Recipe here.

4. Homemade Clif Bars

The best thing about Clif bars is that really they’re just cookies in a wrapper that happens to have a picture of a rock climber on it. Recipe here.

5. Spiced Pumpkin Seed and Cashew Crunch


Because no one really wants a handful of plain old nuts. Recipe here.

6. Blueberry Apple Pie Trail Mix Balls

Some of us aren’t coordinated enough, mid-hike, to shovel handfuls of loose trail mix into our mouths without feeding half of it to the trail floor. Recipe here.

7. Hemp Protein Granola Bars

Recipe here.

8. Celery sticks in an almost-empty peanut butter jar

You could do the same thing with carrots. Don’t try apples, though, since they’ll get all brown and oxidized and gross while you’re hiking. Found here.

9. Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bites

Recipe here.

10. No-Bake Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars

Recipe here.

11. Curry and Sriracha Roasted Chickpeas

Whether you have an allergy or nuts just aren’t your thing, roasted chickpeas are a delicious, satisfying alternative. Recipe here.

12. Walnut Cranberry Ginger Power Bars

Far less processed than the shiny, chalky unidentifiable Power Bars you can buy. Recipe here.

13. 4-Ingredient Banana Oat Bars

4 basic ingredients, with endless options for customizing. Recipe here.

14. Fruit and Nut Trail Mix

Banana chips add extra sweetness and crunch to this chocolate-free easy trail mix. Recipe here.

15. Vegan Super-Charge Me! Cookies

Banana chips add extra sweetness and crunch to this chocolate-free easy trail mix. Recipe here.

16. Chunky Granola Clusters

Because worst-case scenario they get crushed, and you have granola! Recipe here.

17. Sunshine Bars

Dried pineapple, cashews, and coconut make for a snack that’s not only energizing but also cheerfully reminiscent of a piña colada. Recipe here.

So maybe Lärabars are a little 2008, but these sweet, dense, nutty bars still make a pretty great snack. Recipe here.

19. Gluten-Free Fig Newtons

Everybody’s favorite. Recipe here.

Other related recipe collections:

Healthy Snacks to Eat While Traveling

Gluten-Free Backpacking Breakfasts