Escape Adventures offers one of their newest road bike adventures, exploring California’s mountains and coast on the Ojai and Santa Barbara road bike tour. Perfect for families and corporate retreats, this cycling adventure is sure to be an exciting escape even for the most seasoned cyclist.

Where wine culture meets road bike culture, layered and built out with soft touches, historic sites, if not all manner of stunning looks and experiences along California’s Central Coast.

From Santa Barbara, all its luxury and nightlife, we dissolve into the California of old: gracious, Spanish architecture, ranchland and oak groves, all crossed by wonderfully scenic cyclo-touring routes.

From tasting the sea air on one long stage along the coast, the next sense might be the heady board wax from a leisurely stroll past an iconic surf shop… or the scrumptious bouquet wafting from a world-class wine-tasting room.

Talk about transporting… From following the very same stage as the 2018 Amgen Tour of California (the second), we indulge in another very Californian experience: an afternoon at the spa; a Himalayan stone massage chased by the Total Cleanse, or the Wellness Juice.

Welcome to Ojai and Santa Barbara.

Basing from the vineyards and ranches that ring Los Olivos, our time is divided between pool/spa and saddle.  A visual/landscape mash-up of rural Sicily, Portugal and Hawaii’s backside, Four Canyons covers miles of quiet backroads. Through Drum, Foxen and Ballard Canyons, respectively, the route spills into Purisima Hills: gorgeous horse, cattle, goat and alpaca range. Picture wide spread vineyards, lavender farms, fig trees and ancient oak groves. With a shuttle back to Santa Barbara we wrap with fond farewells.

Sound like something right up your ally? If so, click HERE and request a detailed itinerary where you can also choose from spring, summer, and fall tours. Escape Adventures is the leader in unique an professional road bike vacations.