Calls Home: Moab, Utah
First Car: 96 Jeep Cherokee
Favorite Book: East of Eden
If I’m not riding I’m… driving the support vehicle
If I’m not on tour I’m… jumping on that Whole Enchilada shuttle
Favorite vacation spot: Sierra Nevada Mountains
Winter Sport: Riding bikes in the desert
Plans for the future: I have a long list of adventures I want to do but it every time I check something off I add three more
Off-Season gig: I am year-round with escape, I like to spend a portion of my winters in Vegas and Phoenix
Rides: Stumpjumper
Tires: Wide and burly with CushCore
Name of your bike: I’ve never named my vehicles and bikes
First bike: State Bike Fixed Gear
Why you bike: I do it for the thrill, the views, the fresh air, the runner’s high, the community, the challenge, and the joy
Worst Crash: No serious bicycle crashes (yet) but I did hit a deer going 75mph on a motorcycle
What you drive: 2003 Honda Toaster (Element)
Miles logged in a season: anywhere between 1,500-2,500
What material possession do you value most: my bike of course
Won’t go on tour without: my dumb jokes
Freeride or Cross Country: Freeride
Road Ride: I enjoy pavement from time to time
Puke or Surrender: neither
I used to be a… a bartender in NYC
I love… all my sweet friends around the world
I hate… public speaking (but I’m working on it)
I want… to hike and ride as many trails as I can
I need… to work on my cornering
Favorite Tour: White Rim
Favorite Trail: Captain Ahab
Favorite Type of Trail: Techy, chunky, and steep
Most likely to find this in my guide pack: A wag bag (I have yet to deploy it but you never know)
The Other Employees Will Say I’m… good at walking
Favorite Grub Box Item: Smokehouse Almonds
Always carry: Extra water
Best Escape Memory: While riding through terrible sleet a 12-year-old guest turned to me and said “at least it’s good for the plants and the animals”
Advice for Guests New to Escape: When on tour do not, by any means, keep your best dumb jokes to yourself
Words of Wisdom: Follow your bliss!
Give Us a Call!
[email protected]10575 Discovery Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89135