Families with Younger Kids

How often do you get the chance to take your family on vacation without having to worry about where to stay, what to eat, and how to keep everyone entertained? Our Trip Leaders take care of all the details so that your trip can provide you a vacation from the “call of duty” and you can have unlimited family fun. Families with children are welcome to join any regularly scheduled tour that is appropriate for their skill level. If you have younger children (up to 15) we suggest you join one of our special Family Getaway departures. Family Getaways are scheduled year-round in appropriate locations at the most ideal time of year.

Mom and dad, you deserve a vacation.

Tour Activities: mountain-biking Mountain Biking road-biking Road Biking hiking Hiking rock-climbing Rock Climbing canyoneering Canyoneering cave-exploration Cave Exploration zip-lining Zip Lining rafting Rafting kayaking Kayaking canoeing Canoeing snorkeling Snorkeling hot-springs Hot Springs