Solos, Couples & Friends

An Escape Adventure trip represents a superb way to enjoy the company of other active solo and group travelers, the camaraderie of shared interests. Travel Solo or with a friend…or two. One of the defining characteristics our trips is their small group composition. For over 25-years, Escape Adventures has been taking outdoor enthusiasts beyond the "average" vacation, into the exciting world of small-group adventure travel. Our Guide to Guest ratio is the best in the industry, averaging 1 guide for every 5 guests. Our smaller groups, ranging from 6 to 13 guests, allow for flexible schedules, individualized service, comfort, if not a deeper, more expansive backcountry adventure. Don’t be surprised if you come away from your tour with a whole group of new and awesome friends!

Many of our tours include guests traveling on their own. Our structured tours and small groups are ideal for solo travelers. On Inn Tours, we offer a single-supplement to guarantee that you have your own room. We can also pair you up with another traveler, sharing a room with two queen beds. Though if we’re unable to make a comfortable or suitable match, you still get your own room at no additional cost.

"If you are hesitant on going on a trip by yourself don't be .You will make a whole bunch of new friends. I miss you guys already!" - Ross M., Bryce and Zion

Tour Activities: mountain-biking Mountain Biking road-biking Road Biking hiking Hiking rock-climbing Rock Climbing canyoneering Canyoneering cave-exploration Cave Exploration zip-lining Zip Lining rafting Rafting kayaking Kayaking canoeing Canoeing snorkeling Snorkeling hot-springs Hot Springs

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